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1   /*
2    *******************************************************************************
3    * Copyright (c) 2005 Chris Rose and AIMedia
4    * All rights reserved. IFoodDataSource and the accompanying materials
5    * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
6    * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
7    *
8    * 
9    * Contributors:
10   *     Chris Rose
11   *******************************************************************************/
12  package ca.spaz.cron.datasource;
14  import java.util.List;
16  import ca.spaz.cron.database.*;
18  /***
19   * This interface defines the interaction the application will have with a static,
20   * readonly data source.  The methods on it are all the ways that the app might
21   * ask for information on elements of the food system.
22   * 
23   * Note regaring <code>Food</code> instances and this interface -- this interface and
24   * all subclasses expect and should enforce (unless noted) that the <code>Food</code>
25   * object passes as a parameter to a given instance have that same instance as its
26   * <code>dataSource</code> property. 
27   * 
28   * @author Chris Rose
29   */
30  public interface IFoodDatasource {
32     /***
33      * Retrieve a <code>List</code> of all foods in this particular Datasource.
34      * 
35      * @todo finalize the needed parameters here.
36      * @param keys the keys to search on.  This searches with an AND relation.
37      * @return a List of <code>Food</code> objects matching the criteria.
38      * @throws <code>UnsupportedOperationException</code> if the datasource does not
39      * support searching. (if <code>isSearchable()</code> is false)
40      */
41     List findFoods(String[] keys);
43     /***
44      * Retrieve a <code>List</code> of all foods in this particular Datasource having
45      * the given food group and source.
46      * 
47      * @param keys the keys to search on.  This searches with an AND relation.
48      * @param foodGroup the food group to search for. <code>null</code> to ignore.
49      * @param source the source of this food item.  <code>null</code> to ignore.
50      * @return a List of <code>Food</code> objects matching the criteria.
51      * @throws <code>UnsupportedOperationException</code> if the datasource does not
52      * support searching. (if <code>isSearchable()</code> is false)
53      */
54     List findFoods(String[] keys, String foodGroup, String source);
56     /***
57      * Retrieve a list of all foods in this datasource.
58      * @return a List of <code>Food</code> objects consisting of every food in the datasource.
59      * @throws <code>UnsupportedOperationException</code> if the datasource does not
60      * support listing. (if <code>isListable()</code> is false)
61      */
62     List findAllFoods();
64     /***
65      * Return a <code>List</code> of <code>Measure</code> objects for the provided food.
66      * @param food a <code>Food</code> object to find the measures for
67      * @return a <code>List</code> that is guaranteed to contain only <code>Measure</code>
68      * objects.
69      */
70     List getMeasuresFor(Food food);
72     /***
73      * Fill the provided <code>NutrientTable</code> with the nutrients associated with the
74      * <code>Food</code>.
75      * @param f The food item to load from
76      * @param nutrients the <code>NutrientTable</code> to fill.
77      */
78     void getNutrientsFor(Food f, NutrientTable nutrients);
80     /***
81      * Get a list of all sources in this datasource.  What these are is subimplementation-
82      * dependent, and will most often be only one item.
83      * 
84      * @return a <code>List</code> of <code>String</code> objects naming the sources
85      * for this Datasource.
86      */
87     List getSources(); //TODO Determine if this needs to be a meta-method.
89     /***
90      * Get a list of all food groups in this datasource.  
91      * 
92      * @return a <code>List</code> of <code>FoodGroup</code> objects naming the food
93      * groups for this Datasource.
94      */
95     List getFoodGroups();
97     /***
98      * Implementors that can provide search services should return true here, false
99      * otherwise.
100     * @return <code>true</code> if this Datasource supports search, <code>false</code>
101     * otherwise.
102     */
103    boolean isSearchable();
105    /***
106     * Implementors that can provide listing services should return true here, false
107     * otherwise.
108     * @return <code>true</code> if this Datasource supports listing, <code>false</code>
109     * otherwise.
110     */
111    boolean isListable();
113    /***
114     * Retrieve the name of this datasource for use in UI components.
115     * @return this Datasource's name.
116     */
117    String getName();
119    /***
120     * Close this connection.  May or may not be required, but this method should
121     * ensure that there is nothing remaining of the connection.
122     */
123    void close();
125    /***
126     * Provides access to the last exception thrown by the underlying representation.
127     * 
128     * @return the last <code>Throwable</code> that an implementation of this interface
129     * has thrown.
130     */
131    FoodDatasourceException getLastError();
133    /***
134     * Determines if the datasource is operable and available.  This includes connections
135     * to physical datasources, proper setup of tables, or any other conditions that may
136     * prevent this from being a functional datasource.
137     * @return <code>true</code> if this datasource is functioning, <code>false</code>
138     * otherwise
139     */
140    boolean isAvailable();
142    /***
143     * Initialize the datasource to a working state.  At the time that this method completes
144     * normally (without throwing an exception), <code>isAvailable</code> must return 
145     * <code>true</code> for this data source.  If this source is already available, this
146     * method will do nothing.
147     */
148    void initialize();
150    /***
151     * Determine if this datasource contains the specified food.  This method will return true
152     * if for any <code>Food</code> in this datasource, the Food's <code>SourceUID</code> is equal
153     * to that of the food on the command line.
154     * @param food The food to test for
155     * @return <code>true</code> if there is a <code>Food</code> in this datasource matching the
156     * provided one.
157     */
158    boolean containsFood(Food food);
159 }