View Javadoc

1   /*
2    * Created on 4-Jun-2005
3    */
4   package ca.spaz.cron.targets;
6   import java.awt.*;
7   import java.awt.event.*;
8   import java.util.Iterator;
10  import javax.swing.*;
12  import ca.spaz.cron.CRONOMETER;
13  import ca.spaz.cron.database.NutrientInfo;
14  import ca.spaz.cron.user.User;
15  import ca.spaz.cron.user.impl.CRONUser;
16  import ca.spaz.util.ToolBox;
18  /***
19   * A UI panel that will let the user view and edit their 
20   * nutritional targets.
21   * 
22   * Ideally, there will be a mechanism to suggest good default
23   * targets based on age, weight, gender, and other factors.
24   * 
25   * @author Aaron Davidson
26   */
27  public class TargetEditor extends JPanel {
28     private User user;
30     private TargetEditorTable macro, minerals, vitamins, aminoacids, lipids;
31     private JTabbedPane tabPanel;
32     private JPanel setupPanel;
33     private JPanel buttonPanel;
34     private JPanel defaultsPanel;
35     private JLabel instructionLabel;
36     private JComboBox defaultsBox;
37     private JButton setDefaultsBtn;
39     private static final Object[] DEFAULT_TYPES = {
40        new RDITargetModel(), 
41        new CRONTargetModel(), 
42     };
44     public TargetEditor(User user) {
45        this.user = user;
46        this.setLayout(new BorderLayout(10,10));
47        this.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(15,15,15,15));
48        this.add(getSetupPanel(), BorderLayout.NORTH);
49        this.add(getTabPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
50        this.add(getDefaultsPanel(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
51     }
53     private JTabbedPane getTabPanel() {
54        if (tabPanel == null) {
55           tabPanel = new JTabbedPane();
56           tabPanel.addTab("General", getMacroNutrientsTable());
57           tabPanel.addTab("Minerals", getMineralsTable());
58           tabPanel.addTab("Vitamins", getVitaminsTable());
59           tabPanel.addTab("Amino Acids", getAminoAcidsTable());
60           tabPanel.addTab("Lipids", getLipidsTable());
61        }
62        return tabPanel;
63     }
65     private TargetEditorTable getMacroNutrientsTable() {
66        if (macro == null) {
67           macro = new TargetEditorTable(user, NutrientInfo.getMacroNutrients());
68        }
69        return macro;
70     }
72     private TargetEditorTable getMineralsTable() {
73        if (minerals == null) {
74           minerals = new TargetEditorTable(user, NutrientInfo.getMinerals());
75        }
76        return minerals;
77     }
79     private TargetEditorTable getVitaminsTable() {
80        if (vitamins == null) {
81           vitamins = new TargetEditorTable(user, NutrientInfo.getVitamins());
82        }
83        return vitamins;
84     }
86     private TargetEditorTable getAminoAcidsTable() {
87        if (aminoacids == null) {
88           aminoacids = new TargetEditorTable(user, NutrientInfo.getAminoAcids());
89        }
90        return aminoacids;
91     }
93     private TargetEditorTable getLipidsTable() {
94        if (lipids == null) {
95           lipids = new TargetEditorTable(user, NutrientInfo.getLipids());
96        }
97        return lipids;
98     }
100    private JPanel getSetupPanel() {
101       if (setupPanel == null) {
102          setupPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(4,4));
103          setupPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5,5,5,5));
104          setupPanel.add(getInstructionLabel(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
105       }
106       return setupPanel;
107    }
109    private JLabel getInstructionLabel() {
110       if (instructionLabel == null) {
111          instructionLabel = new JLabel(
112                "<html>Targets are default to basic reference " +
113                "daily intake (RDI) values. Other suggested defaults " +
114                "are available from the menu below, or values may be " +
115                "entered manually.</html>");
116          instructionLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200,60));
117          instructionLabel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5,5,5,5));
118       //         BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder));      
119       }
120       return instructionLabel;
121    }
124    private JPanel getDefaultsPanel() {
125       if (defaultsPanel == null) {
126          defaultsPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(8,8));
127          this.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10,10,10,10));
128          defaultsPanel.add(
129                new JLabel("Preset Targets:", JLabel.RIGHT), BorderLayout.WEST);
130          defaultsPanel.add(getDefaultsComboBox(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
131          defaultsPanel.add(getSetDefaultsButton(), BorderLayout.EAST);
132       }
133       return defaultsPanel;
134    }
136    private JComboBox getDefaultsComboBox() {
137       if (defaultsBox == null) {
138          defaultsBox = new JComboBox(DEFAULT_TYPES);
139       }
140       return defaultsBox;
141    }
143    private JButton getSetDefaultsButton() {
144       if (setDefaultsBtn == null) {
145          setDefaultsBtn = new JButton("Set Targets");
146          setDefaultsBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
147             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
148                setDefaultTargets((TargetModel)getDefaultsComboBox().getSelectedItem());
149             }
150          });
151       }
152       return setDefaultsBtn;
153    }
156    private JPanel getButtonPanel() {
157       if (buttonPanel == null) {
158          buttonPanel = new JPanel();
159       }
160       return buttonPanel;
161    }
164    public static void editTargets() {
165       JDialog d = ToolBox.getDialog(
166             CRONOMETER.getInstance(), 
167             "Target Editor", 
168             new TargetEditor(CRONUser.getUser()));
169       d.setVisible(true);      
170    }
173    private void setDefaultTargets(TargetModel model) {
174       int rc = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this,
175             "Are you sure you want to replace the current targets with" +
176             " '"+ model.toString()+"'?", 
177             "Replace Targets?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
178       if (rc != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) return;
180       Iterator iter = NutrientInfo.getGlobalList().iterator();
181       while (iter.hasNext()) {
182          NutrientInfo ni = (NutrientInfo);
183          Target target = new Target();
184          target.setMin(model.getTargetMinimum(user, ni));
185          target.setMax(model.getTargetMaximum(user, ni));
186          user.setTarget(ni, target);         
187       }      
188       getAminoAcidsTable().fireTargetsChanged();
189       getMacroNutrientsTable().fireTargetsChanged();
190       getMineralsTable().fireTargetsChanged();
191       getVitaminsTable().fireTargetsChanged();
192       getLipidsTable().fireTargetsChanged();
193    }
195 }