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1   /*
2    *******************************************************************************
3    * Copyright (c) 2005 Chris Rose and AIMedia
4    * All rights reserved. ILocalFoodDatasource and the accompanying materials
5    * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
6    * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
7    *
8    * 
9    * Contributors:
10   *     Chris Rose
11   *******************************************************************************/
12  package ca.spaz.cron.datasource;
14  import java.util.*;
16  import ca.spaz.cron.database.*;
18  /***
19   * This interface defines a datasource whose contents may be changed by
20   * interested classes.  All of the standard issues apply (especially the
21   * <code>Food</code> needing to be associated with this datasource) 
22   * 
23   * @author Chris Rose
24   */
25  public interface ILocalFoodDatasource extends IFoodDatasource {
27     /***
28      * This method consumes the food in a serving.  This an
29      * exception to the requirement that a <code>Food</code> object have
30      * this as its datasource, since in this case if the <code>Food</code>
31      * object has a different datasource, it will either A) be added to this
32      * one, and then consumed, or B) if it is already present in this datasource
33      * it will simply be added from this datasource.
34      * 
35      * @param serving a <code>Serving</code> to add to the user's consumed list.
36      * @return A new <code>Food</code> object that represents the <code>Food</code>
37      * that is associated with this datasource.  If the food was already associated
38      * with this datasource, the same object will be returned.  <code>null</code>
39      * will be returned if some error occurred.
40      */
41     Food addServing(Serving serving);
43     /***
44      * Add a new FoodGroup to the data source.  The food group may already exist, in
45      * which case an implementing method should silently succeed.
46      * 
47      * @param foodGroup the new food group to add to the data source.
48      */
49     void addFoodGroup(FoodGroup foodGroup);
51     /***
52      * Changes the amount of a food consumed to the amount in the serving provided.
53      * This will alter the amount of the <code>Food</code> retrieved by calling
54      * <code>getFood()</code> on <code>newServing</code>.  If the food is not already
55      * in the database as being consumed, it will be added.  The food must already
56      * be in the user datasource, however.
57      * 
58      * @param newServing a <code>Serving</code> object whose <code>Food</code>'s serving
59      * quantity on the proper date will be altered.
60      * @return <code>true</code> if the serving was altered, <code>false</code> if some
61      * error occurred.
62      */
63     boolean changeServingAmount(Serving newServing);
65     /***
66      * Remove the <code>Food</code> in a particular serving from the user's consumed
67      * list.  Operates regardless of quantity.
68      * 
69      * @param serving the serving to un-consume.
70      * @return <code>true</code> if the action succeeded, <code>false</code> if there
71      * was some error.
72      */
73     boolean removeServing(Serving serving);
75     /***
76      * Each food in the Datasource has available a list of <code>Measure</code>s that
77      * describe portions or servings.  This method will add a valid <code>Measure</code>
78      * to a <code>Food</code> object stored in this datasource.
79      * 
80      * @param food The <code>Food</code> object to which the new measure applies.
81      * @param measure The new <code>Measure</code>.
82      * @return <code>true</code> if successful, <code>false</code> if some error occurred.
83      */
84     boolean addMeasure(Food food, Measure measure);
86     /***
87      * @param food
88      * @param measures
89      * @return <code>true</code> if successful, <code>false</code> if some error occurred.
90      */
91     boolean changeMeasure(Food food, List measures);
93     /***
94      * Remove a particular form of <code>Measure</code> from the list of those available for
95      * a particular <code>Food</code>.
96      * @param food
97      * @param measure
98      * @return <code>true</code> if successful, <code>false</code> if some error occurred.
99      */
100    boolean removeMeasure(Food food, Measure measure);
102    /***
103     * Retrieve the total number of times that this food has been consumed.
104     * 
105     * @param food the <code>Food</code> to check.
106     * @return the number of times consumed, or <code>-1</code> on error.
107     */
108    int getTimesConsumed(Food food);
110    /***
111     * Retrieve the number of times the specified <code>Food</code> was consumed
112     * between the provided dates.
113     * 
114     * @param food the <code>Food</code> to check.
115     * @param startDate the starting date.
116     * @param endDate the ending date.
117     * @return the number of times consumed between the two dates, or <code>-1</code> 
118     * on error.
119     */
120    int getTimesConsumed(Food food, Date startDate, Date endDate);
122    /***
123     * Retrieve a list of all <code>Servings</code> consumed on a particular date.
124     * 
125     * @param date the <code>Date</code> to retrieve the foods for.
126     * @return a <code>List</code> consisting only of <code>Serving</code> objects,
127     * or <code>null</code> if some error occurred.  If no servings were consumed
128     * on the specified date, an empty list will be returned.
129     */
130    List getConsumedOn(Date date);
132    /***
133     * Add a <code>Food</code> to this datasource.
134     * 
135     * This method is an exception to the local datasource rule -- the <code>Food</code>
136     * provided to this method <em>must not</em> be attached to this datasource.
137     * 
138     * @param food A <code>Food</code> object that comes from another datasource.
139     * @return a <code>Food</code> object whose information is the same as the parameter,
140     * but that exists only in this datasource, with all nutrient information still
141     * represtented.  <code>null</code> will be returned if some error occurred.
142     */
143    Food addFood(Food food);
145    /***
146     * Create a new <code>Food</code> object associated with this datasource.
147     * @return a new <code>Food</code> instance.
148     */
149    Food createNewFood();
151    /***
152     * Alter the information of some Food object in the backing representation of the
153     * datasource.  This method has potential complications.  If the
154     * <code>Food</code> implementation specific to the datasource has a concept of
155     * unique identifiers, a true alteration will occur.  However, if the <code>Food</code>
156     * object does not have this feature, for example in a flat-file database or something
157     * like it, the implementor should check for name similarity, and if that does not
158     * match, simply add the new food to the database.
159     * 
160     * @param food a <code>Food</code> object to be changed.
161     * @return <code>true</code> if successful, <code>false</code> if some error occurred.
162     */
163    boolean saveFood(Food food);
165    /***
166     * Remove a <code>Food</code> from the datasource.
167     * 
168     * @param food the <code>Food</code> to remove.
169     * @return <code>true</code> if successful, <code>false</code> if some error occurred.
170     */
171    boolean removeFood(Food food);
173    /***
174     * Add a new <code>IFoodDatasourceListener</code> to this implementation.  The listener
175     * will be notified on any successful change to the underlying datasource.
176     * 
177     * @param listener the new <code>IFoodDatasourceListener</code>.
178     */
179    void addFoodDatasourceListener(IFoodDatasourceListener listener);
181    /***
182     * Remove an <code>IFoodDatasourceListener</code> from the list of observers of this class.
183     * 
184     * @param listener the <code>IFoodDatasourceListener</code>.
185     */
186    void removeFoodDatasourceListener(IFoodDatasourceListener listener);
188 }