View Javadoc

1   /*
2    *******************************************************************************
3    * Copyright (c) 2005 Chris Rose and AIMedia
4    * All rights reserved. SQLDatasource and the accompanying materials
5    * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
6    * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
7    *
8    * 
9    * Contributors:
10   *     Chris Rose
11   *******************************************************************************/
12  package ca.spaz.cron.datasource.sql;
14  import*;
15  import java.lang.reflect.Field;
16  import java.util.Date;
17  import java.sql.*;
18  import java.util.*;
20  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
22  import ca.spaz.cron.database.*;
23  import ca.spaz.cron.datasource.*;
24  import ca.spaz.sql.*;
26  /***
27   * A Food datasource that is based on a SQL database.
28   * 
29   * @author Chris Rose
30   */
31  public class SQLDatasource extends AbstractMutableFoodDatasource {
32     /***
33      * Logger for this class
34      */
35     private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SQLDatasource.class);
37     protected Connection conn;
39     private boolean allowLocal;
41     public static final String FOOD_DB_ID = "food";
43     private static final String USER_DB_CONNECTION_ID = "user";
45     private String id;
47     public static IFoodDatasource createReadonlyFoodSource(String connectionID) {
48        Connection conn = ConnectionManager.getInstance(connectionID)
49              .getConnection();
50        String name = ConnectionManager.getConnectionName(connectionID);
51        if (null == conn) {
52           throw new IllegalArgumentException("No connection for " + connectionID);
53        }
54        return new SQLDatasource(name, connectionID, conn, false);
55     }
57     public static ILocalFoodDatasource createPersonalFoodSource() {
58        return createPersonalFoodSource(USER_DB_CONNECTION_ID);
59     }
61     public static ILocalFoodDatasource createPersonalFoodSource(String connectionId) {
62        Connection conn = ConnectionManager.getInstance(connectionId)
63              .getConnection();
64        String name = ConnectionManager.getConnectionName(connectionId);
65        if (null == conn) {
66           throw new IllegalArgumentException("No local connection for "
67                 + connectionId);
68        }
69        return new SQLDatasource(name, connectionId, conn, true);
70     }
72     protected SQLDatasource(String name, String id, Connection conn, boolean allowLocal) {
73        super(name);
74        this.conn = conn;
75        this.setId(id);
76        this.allowLocal = allowLocal;
77     }
79     /*
80      * (non-Javadoc)
81      * 
82      * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.ILocalFoodDatasource#consumeFood(ca.spaz.cron.database.Food,
83      *      ca.spaz.cron.datasource.Serving)
84      */
85     protected Food doConsumeFood(Serving serving) {
86        checkReadWrite();
87        validFood(serving.getFood());
88        Food ret = serving.getFood();
89        if (serving.getFood().getDataSource() != this) {
90           ret = addFood(serving.getFood());
91           serving.setFood(ret);
92        }
93        SQLFood sfood = (SQLFood) ret;
94        if (ret == null) {
95           return ret;
96        }
97        try {
98           // INSERT INTO Consumed (fid, grams, meal, date) VALUES
99           // ($food.getID(),$grams,$meal,$date);
100          SQLInsert ins = new SQLInsert("Serving");
101          ins.getColumns().add("fid", sfood.getID());
102          int MID = serving.getMeasure().getID();
103          if (MID >= 0) {
104             ins.getColumns().add("mid", MID);
105          }
106          ins.getColumns().add("grams", serving.getGrams());
107          ins.getColumns().add("meal", serving.getMeal());
108          ins.getColumns().add("eaten", serving.getDate());
109          ResultSet rs = ins.executeQuery(conn);
110          if (rs != null && {
111             // FIXME: doesn't work
112             serving.setID(rs.getInt("id"));
113          }
114          // TODO: get this food from this source.
115       } catch (SQLException e) {
116          ret = null;
117          logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - addToDatabase()", e);
118          registerError(e);
119       }
121       return ret;
122    }
124    /***
125     * 
126     */
127    private void checkReadWrite() {
128       if (!allowLocal) {
129          throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not modifiable");
130       }
131    }
133    /*
134     * (non-Javadoc)
135     * 
136     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.ILocalFoodDatasource#changeConsumedAmount(ca.spaz.cron.database.Food,
137     *      ca.spaz.cron.datasource.Serving)
138     */
139    protected boolean doChangeServingAmount(Serving serving) {
140       checkReadWrite();
141       validFood(serving.getFood());
142       SQLFood sfood = (SQLFood) serving.getFood();
143       boolean success = true;
144       try {
145          SQLUpdate sql = new SQLUpdate("Serving");
146          sql.getColumns().add("grams", serving.getGrams());
147          int MID = serving.getMeasure().getID();
148          if (MID >= 0) {
149             sql.getColumns().add("MID", MID);
150          } else {
151             sql.getColumns().add("MID", 0); // FIXME: CORRECT? Will this always be GRAMS?
152          }
153          sql.addWhere("fid", sfood.getID());
154          sql.addWhere("eaten", serving.getDate());
155          sql.addWhere("meal", serving.getMeal());
156          sql.execute(conn);
157       } catch (SQLException e) {
158          logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - doChangeConsumedAmount(Serving)", e);
159          success = false;
160          registerError(e);
161       }
162       return success;
163    }
165    /*
166     * (non-Javadoc)
167     * 
168     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.ILocalFoodDatasource#unConsumeFood(ca.spaz.cron.database.Food)
169     */
170    protected boolean doUnConsumeFood(Serving serving) {
171       checkReadWrite();
172       validFood(serving.getFood());
173       SQLFood sfood = (SQLFood) serving.getFood();
174       boolean success = true;
175       try {
176          SQLDelete sql = new SQLDelete("Serving");
177          sql.addWhere("fid", sfood.getID());
178          sql.addWhere("ID", serving.getID());
179          sql.addWhere("eaten", serving.getDate());
180          sql.execute(conn);
181       } catch (SQLException e) {
182          logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - doUnConsumeFood(Serving)", e);
183          success = false;
184          registerError(e);
185       }
186       if (success) {
187          notifyObservers(FoodDataEvent.DSEVENT_SERVING_REMOVED, serving);
188       }
189       return success;
190    }
192    /***
193     * Update all changes made to a set of measures for the food.
194     * First removes any old Measures no longer referenced in the new list
195     * and then saves or adds all the measures in the list.
196     */
197    protected boolean doChangeMeasure(Food food, List measures) {
198       checkReadWrite();
199       validFood(food);
200       SQLFood sfood = (SQLFood) food;
201       List m = Collections.checkedList(measures, Measure.class);
202       boolean success = true;
204       // remove all old measures not in new list
205       List old = doGetMeasuresFor(sfood);
206       old.remove(Measure.GRAM);
207       for (Iterator iter = old.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
208          Measure m1 = (Measure);
209          boolean found = false;
210          for (Iterator iter2 = measures.iterator(); iter2.hasNext();) {
211             Measure m2 = (Measure);
212             if (m1.getID() == m2.getID()) {
213                found = true;
214                break;
215             }
216          }
217          if (!found) {
218             doRemoveMeasure(sfood, m1);
219          }
220       }
222       // save or add all measures
223       for (Iterator iter = m.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
224          Measure meas = (Measure);
225          boolean oldNot = getNotify();
226          setNotify(false);
227          if (meas.getID() == -1) {
228             doAddMeasure(food, meas);
229          } else {
230             doSaveMeasure(meas);
231          }
232          setNotify(oldNot);
233       }
234       if (success && getNotify()) {
235          notifyObservers(FoodDataEvent.DSEVENT_MEASURE_CHANGED);
236       }
237       return success;
238    }
240    /***
241     * Remove a measure from the database.
242     * Safely modifies all Servings that reference this measure,
243     * converting them to canonical GRAMS Measures.
244     * @param m the Measure to delete
245     * @return true if successful
246     */
247    protected boolean doRemoveMeasure(Food food, Measure m) {
248       checkReadWrite();
249       validFood(food);
250       boolean success = true;
251       try {
252          // remove referece to Measure from all Servings
253          SQLUpdate sel = new SQLUpdate("Serving");
254          sel.getColumns().add("MID", -1);
255          sel.addWhere("MID", new Integer(m.getID()));
256          sel.execute(conn);
258          // delete Measure
259          SQLDelete sql = new SQLDelete("Measure");
260          sql.addWhere("ID", m.getID());
261          sql.execute(conn);
262       } catch (SQLException e) {
263          logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - doDeleteMeasure(Measure)", e);
264          success = false;
265          registerError(e);
266       }
267       if (success && getNotify()) {
268          notifyObservers(FoodDataEvent.DSEVENT_MEASURE_REMOVED);
269       }
270       return success;
271    }
273    /*
274     * (non-Javadoc)
275     * 
276     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.ILocalFoodDatasource#addServing(ca.spaz.cron.database.Food,
277     *      ca.spaz.cron.datasource.Serving)
278     */
279    protected boolean doAddMeasure(Food food, Measure measure) {
280       checkReadWrite();
281       validFood(food);
282       SQLFood sfood = (SQLFood) food;
283       boolean success = true;
284       try {
285          SQLInsert sql = new SQLInsert("Measure");
286          sql.getColumns().add("FID", sfood.getID());
287          sql.getColumns().add("amount", measure.getAmount());
288          sql.getColumns().add("grams", measure.getGrams());
289          sql.getColumns().add("description", measure.getDescription());
290          ResultSet rs = sql.executeQuery(conn);
291          if (rs != null && {
292             // FIXME: doesn't work
293             measure.setID(rs.getInt("id"));
294          }
295       } catch (SQLException e) {
296          logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - addMeasure(Food, Measure)", e);
297          success = false;
298          registerError(e);
299       }
300       if (success && getNotify()) {
301          notifyObservers(FoodDataEvent.DSEVENT_MEASURE_ADDED, measure);
302       }
303       return success;
304    }
307    /*
308     * (non-Javadoc)
309     * 
310     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.ILocalFoodDatasource#addServing(ca.spaz.cron.database.Food,
311     *      ca.spaz.cron.datasource.Serving)
312     */
313    protected boolean doSaveMeasure(Measure measure) {
314       assert(measure.getID() >= 0);
315       checkReadWrite();
316       boolean success = true;
317       try {
318          SQLUpdate sql = new SQLUpdate("Measure");
319          sql.getColumns().add("amount", measure.getAmount());
320          sql.getColumns().add("grams", measure.getGrams());
321          sql.getColumns().add("description", measure.getDescription());
322          sql.addWhere("ID", measure.getID());
323          sql.execute(conn);        
324       } catch (SQLException e) {
325          logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - addMeasure(Food, Measure)", e);
326          success = false;
327          registerError(e);
328       }
329       if (success && getNotify()) {
330          notifyObservers(FoodDataEvent.DSEVENT_MEASURE_ADDED, measure);
331       }
332       return success;
333    }
335    /*
336     * (non-Javadoc)
337     * 
338     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.ILocalFoodDatasource#getTimesConsumed(ca.spaz.cron.database.Food)
339     */
340    protected int doGetTimesConsumed(Food food) {
341       checkReadWrite();
342       validFood(food);
343       SQLFood sfood = (SQLFood) food;
344       int num = -1;
345       try {
346          // SELECT COUNT(FID) from Consumed WHERE FID='$getID()';
347          SQLSelect s = new SQLSelect("Serving");
348          s.addSelection("COUNT(FID)");
349          s.addWhere("FID", sfood.getID());
350          ResultSet res = s.executeQuery(conn);
351          if ( {
352             num = res.getInt(1);
353          }
354       } catch (SQLException e) {
355          logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - getTimesConsumed(Food, Date, Date)", e);
356          registerError(e);
357       }
358       return num;
359    }
361    /*
362     * (non-Javadoc)
363     * 
364     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.ILocalFoodDatasource#getTimesConsumed(ca.spaz.cron.database.Food,
365     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date)
366     */
367    protected int doGetTimesConsumed(Food food, Date startDate, Date endDate) {
368       checkReadWrite();
369       validFood(food);
370       SQLFood sfood = (SQLFood) food;
371       int num = -1;
372       try {
373          // SELECT COUNT(FID) from Consumed WHERE FID='$getID()';
374          SQLSelect s = new SQLSelect("Serving");
375          s.addSelection("COUNT(FID)");
376          s.addWhere("FID", sfood.getID());
377          s.addWhere("eaten", SQLSelect.GT, startDate);
378          s.addWhere("eaten", SQLSelect.LT, endDate);
379          ResultSet res = s.executeQuery(conn);
380          if ( {
381             num = res.getInt(1);
382          }
383       } catch (SQLException e) {
384          logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - getTimesConsumed(Food, Date, Date)", e);
385          registerError(e);
386       }
387       return num;
388    }
390    /*
391     * (non-Javadoc)
392     * 
393     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.ILocalFoodDatasource#getConsumedOn(java.util.Date)
394     */
395    public List getConsumedOn(Date date) {
396       notNull(date);
397       checkReadWrite();
398       ArrayList res = new ArrayList();
399       SQLSelect sel = new SQLSelect("Serving");
400       sel.addWhere("eaten", date);
401       if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
402          logger.debug("[" + getId() + "] - getAllConsumedDuringDay(Date) " + sel.toString());
403       }
404       try {
405          ResultSet row = sel.executeQuery(conn);
406          while ( {
407             Serving c = new Serving(getFoodByID(row.getInt("FID")));
408             c.setGrams(row.getDouble("grams"));
409             c.setMeasure(row.getInt("MID"));
410             c.setID(row.getInt("ID"));
411             c.setDate(row.getDate("eaten"));
412             c.setMeal(row.getInt("meal"));
413             res.add(c);
414          }
415       } catch (SQLException e) {
416          logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - getAllConsumedDuringDay(Date)", e);
417          registerError(e);
418       }
419       return res;
420    }
422    private Food getFoodByID(int FID) throws SQLException {
423       Food f = null;
424       SQLSelect s = new SQLSelect("Food");
425       s.addWhere("id", new Integer(FID));
426       ResultSet res = s.executeQuery(conn);
427       if ( {
428          f = internalCreateFood();
429          SQLFood sfood = (SQLFood) f;
430          sfood.setID(res.getInt("ID"));
431          f.setSource(res.getString("source"));
432          f.setDescription(res.getString("description"));
433          f.setSourceUID(res.getString("sourceUID"));
434          SQLFoodGroup fg = new SQLFoodGroupImpl(res.getString("foodgroup"));
435          f.setFoodGroup(fg);
436       }
437       return f;
438    }
440    /*
441     * (non-Javadoc)
442     * 
443     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.ILocalFoodDatasource#addFood(ca.spaz.cron.database.Food)
444     */
445    protected Food doAddFood(Food food) {
446       //FIXME Must handle new foods, too.
447       checkReadWrite();
448       boolean success = true;
449       ResultSet genKeys = null;
450       int newID = -1;
451       try {
452          addFoodGroup(food.getFoodGroup());
453          SQLInsert sql = new SQLInsert("Food");
454          sql.getColumns().add("description", food.getDescription());
455          sql.getColumns().add("foodgroup", food.getFoodGroup());
456          sql.getColumns().add("source", getName());
457          sql.getColumns().add("sourceUID", food.getSourceUID());
458          genKeys = sql.executeQuery(conn);
459          if (genKeys != null && {
460             // FIXME: Doesn't work!
461             newID = genKeys.getInt("id");
462          } else {
463             SQLSelect sel = new SQLSelect("Food");
464             sel.addWhere("sourceUID", food.getSourceUID());
465             sel.addSelection("id");
466             sel.addOrderBy("id");
467             ResultSet res = sel.executeQuery(conn);
468             while ( {
469                newID = res.getInt("id");
470             }
471          }
472       } catch (SQLException e) {
473          logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - addFood(Food)", e);
474          registerError(e);
475          success = false;
476       }
477       SQLFood newFood = null;
478       if (success) {
479          try {
480             newFood = (SQLFood) createNewFood();
481             newFood.setDescription(food.getDescription());
482             newFood.setFoodGroup(food.getFoodGroup());
483             newFood.setID(newID);
484             newFood.setSource(food.getSource());
485             newFood.setSourceUID(food.getSourceUID());
486             // Copying over the nutrients from the old food.
487             addNutrients(newFood, food.getAminoAcids());
488             addNutrients(newFood, food.getMacroNutrients());
489             addNutrients(newFood, food.getMinerals());
490             addNutrients(newFood, food.getVitamins());
491             addNutrients(newFood, food.getLipids());
492             for (int i=0; i<food.getMeasures().size(); i++) {
493                Measure m = (Measure)food.getMeasures().get(i);
494                if (m != Measure.GRAM) {
495                   addMeasure(newFood, m);
496                }
497             }
498             notifyObservers(FoodDataEvent.DSEVENT_FOOD_ADDED, food);
499          } catch (SQLException e) {
500             logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - doAddFood(Food)", e);
501             success = false;
502             newFood = null;
503             registerError(e);
504          }
505       }
506       return newFood;
507    }
509    /*
510     * (non-Javadoc)
511     * 
512     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.ILocalFoodDatasource#changeFood(ca.spaz.cron.database.Food,
513     *      ca.spaz.cron.database.Food)
514     */
515    protected boolean doSaveFood(Food food) {
516       checkReadWrite();
517       validFood(food);
518       boolean success = true;
519       SQLFood sfood = (SQLFood) food;
520       if (sfood.getID() < 0) {
521          // Add the food to the database.
522          Food ret = doAddFood(sfood);
523          success = (ret != null);
524       } else {
525          // Save the existing food.
526          addFoodGroup(food.getFoodGroup());
527          try {
528             SQLUpdate sql = new SQLUpdate("Food");
529             sql.getColumns().add("description", sfood.getDescription());
530             sql.getColumns().add("foodgroup", sfood.getFoodGroup());
531             sql.getColumns().add("source", sfood.getSource());
532             sql.getColumns().add("sourceUID", sfood.getSourceUID());
533             sql.addWhere("ID", Integer.toString(sfood.getID()));
534             sql.execute(conn);
535             saveNutrients(sfood, sfood.getAminoAcids());
536             saveNutrients(sfood, sfood.getMacroNutrients());
537             saveNutrients(sfood, sfood.getMinerals());
538             saveNutrients(sfood, sfood.getVitamins());
539             saveNutrients(sfood, sfood.getLipids());
540             changeMeasure(sfood, sfood.getMeasures());
541          } catch (SQLException e) {
542             logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - changeFood(Food)", e);
543             success = false;
544             registerError(e);
545          }
546       }
547       if (success) {
548          notifyObservers(FoodDataEvent.DSEVENT_FOOD_CHANGED, sfood);
549       }
550       return success;
551    }
553    private void saveNutrients(SQLFood food, NutrientTable table)
554          throws SQLException {
555       SQLUpdate sql = new SQLUpdate(table.getTableName());
556       Field[] fields = table.getClass().getFields();
557       for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
558          try {
559             sql.getColumns().add(fields[i].getName(), fields[i].getDouble(table));
560          } catch (Exception e) {
561             logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - saveNutrients(Food,NutrientTable)", e);
562             registerError(e);
563          }
564       }
565       sql.addWhere("FID", food.getID());
566       sql.execute(conn);
567    }
569    /***
570     * Add nutrients table if the table does not yet exist
571     * @param food the food to which the nutrients are linked
572     * @param table the nutrient table to add to the food
573     * @throws SQLException
574     */
575    private void addNutrients(SQLFood food, NutrientTable table) throws SQLException {
576       SQLInsert sql = new SQLInsert(table.getTableName());
577       Field[] fields = table.getClass().getFields();
578       for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
579          try {
580             sql.getColumns().add(fields[i].getName(), fields[i].getDouble(table));
581          } catch (Exception e) {
582             logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - saveNutrients(Food,NutrientTable)", e);
583             registerError(e);
584          }
585       }
586       sql.getColumns().add("FID", food.getID());
587       sql.execute(conn);
588    }
590    private void validFood(Food f) {
591       if (!(f instanceof SQLFood)) {
592          throw new IllegalArgumentException("SQL Datasource requires SQL food objects");
593       }
594    }
596    /*
597     * (non-Javadoc)
598     * 
599     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.ILocalFoodDatasource#removeFood(ca.spaz.cron.database.Food)
600     */
601    protected boolean doRemoveFood(Food food) {
602       checkReadWrite();
603       validFood(food);
604       SQLFood sfood = (SQLFood) food;
605       boolean success = true;
606       try {
607          // @TODO: can't until all measures and servings are removed first
608          SQLDelete sql = new SQLDelete("Food");
609          sql.addWhere("id", sfood.getID());
610          sql.execute(conn);
611       } catch (SQLException e) {
612          logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - removeFood(Food) - ", e);
613          success = false;
614          registerError(e);
615       }
616       if (success) {
617          notifyObservers(FoodDataEvent.DSEVENT_FOOD_DELETED, sfood);
618       }
619       return success;
620    }
622    /*
623     * (non-Javadoc)
624     * 
625     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.IFoodDatasource#findFood(java.lang.String[])
626     */
627    protected List doFindFoods(String[] parts) {
628       return doFindFoods(parts, null, null);
629    }
631    /*
632     * (non-Javadoc)
633     * 
634     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.IFoodDatasource#findFood(java.lang.String,
635     *      java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
636     */
637    protected List doFindFoods(String[] keys, String foodGroup, String source) {
638       List result = new ArrayList();
639       SQLSelect select = new SQLSelect("Food");
641       //if (parts.length == 0) return;
643       for (int j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) {
644          if (keys[j].length() > 0) {
645             if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
646                logger.debug("[" + getId() + "] - doDBSearch() - Split part: " + keys[j]);
647             }
648             select.addWhereLike("description", "%" + keys[j] + "%");
649             select.addWhere("source", getName());
650          }
651       }
653       if (null != foodGroup) {
654          select.addWhere("foodgroup", foodGroup);
655       }
657       if (null != source) {
658          select.addWhere("source", source);
659       }
661       if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
662          logger.debug("[" + getId() + "] - doDBSearch() - Query: " + select.toString());
663       }
665       try {
666          ResultSet res = select.executeQuery(conn);
667          result.clear();
668          buildFoodList(result, res);
669       } catch (SQLException e) {
670          logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - doDBSearch()", e);
671          registerError(e);
672       }
673       return result;
674    }
676    /***
677     * @param result
678     * @param res
679     * @throws SQLException
680     */
681    private void buildFoodList(List result, ResultSet res) throws SQLException {
682       while ( {
683          Food f = internalCreateFood();
684          SQLFood sfood = (SQLFood) f;
685          sfood.setID(res.getInt("ID"));
686          f.setSource(res.getString("source"));
687          f.setDescription(res.getString("description"));
688          f.setSourceUID(res.getString("sourceUID"));
689          SQLFoodGroup fg = new SQLFoodGroupImpl(res.getString("foodgroup"));
690          f.setFoodGroup(fg);
691          result.add(f);
692       }
693    }
695    /*
696     * (non-Javadoc)
697     * 
698     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.IFoodDatasource#findAllFoods()
699     */
700    protected List doFindAllFoods() {
701       List result = new ArrayList();
702       SQLSelect sel = new SQLSelect("Food");
703       sel.addWhere("source", getName());
704       try {
705          ResultSet res = sel.executeQuery(conn);
706          buildFoodList(result, res);
707       } catch (SQLException e) {
708          logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - doFindAllFoods()", e);
709          registerError(e);
710       }
711       return result;
712    }
714    /*
715     * (non-Javadoc)
716     * 
717     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.IFoodDatasource#getServingsFor(ca.spaz.cron.database.Food)
718     */
719    protected List doGetMeasuresFor(Food food) {
720       ArrayList weights = new ArrayList();
721       weights.add(Measure.GRAM);
722       validFood(food);
723       SQLFood sfood = (SQLFood) food;
724       try {
725          SQLSelect s = new SQLSelect("Measure");
726          s.addWhere("FID", new Integer(sfood.getID()));
727          ResultSet res = s.executeQuery(conn);
728          while ( {
729             Measure w = new Measure();
730             w.setFoodID(sfood.getID());
731             w.setID(res.getInt("ID"));
732             w.setAmount(res.getDouble("amount"));
733             w.setDescription(res.getString("description"));
734             w.setGrams(res.getDouble("grams"));
735             weights.add(w);
736          }
737       } catch (SQLException e) {
738          logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - getMeasuresFor(Food)", e);
739          registerError(e);
740       }
742       return weights;
743    }
745    /*
746     * (non-Javadoc)
747     * 
748     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.IFoodDatasource#getNutrientsFor(ca.spaz.cron.database.Food)
749     */
750    protected void doGetNutrientsFor(Food food, NutrientTable nutrients) {
751       validFood(food);
752       SQLSelect s = new SQLSelect(nutrients.getTableName());
753       SQLFood sfood = (SQLFood) food;
754       s.addWhere("FID", new Integer(sfood.getID()));
755       try {
756          ResultSet res = s.executeQuery(conn);
757          if ( {
758             try {
759                DBRow.load(res, nutrients);
760             } catch (Exception e) {
761                logger.error("NutrientTable(Food)", e);
762                registerError(e);
763             }
764          }
765       } catch (SQLException e) {
766          logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - getNutrientsFor() - food: " + food.toString()
767                + ", nutrients: " + nutrients.toString(), e);
768          registerError(e);
769       }
771    }
773    /*
774     * (non-Javadoc)
775     * 
776     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.IFoodDatasource#getSources()
777     */
778    public List getSources() {
779       List sources = new ArrayList();
780       try {
781          SQLSelect s = new SQLSelect("Food");
782          s.addSelection("DISTINCT(source)");
783          ResultSet res = s.executeQuery(conn);
784          while ( {
785             sources.add(res.getString("source"));
786          }
787       } catch (SQLException e) {
788          logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - getAllSources()", e);
789          registerError(e);
790       }
791       return sources;
792    }
794    /*
795     * (non-Javadoc)
796     * 
797     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.IFoodDatasource#getFoodGroups()
798     */
799    public List getFoodGroups() {
800       List groups = new ArrayList();
801       try {
802          SQLSelect s = new SQLSelect("Food");
803          s.addSelection("DISTINCT(foodgroup)");
804          ResultSet res = s.executeQuery(conn);
805          while ( {
806             SQLFoodGroup fg = new SQLFoodGroupImpl(res.getString("foodgroup"));
807             groups.add(fg);
808          }
809       } catch (SQLException e) {
810          logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - getAllFoodGroups()", e);
811          registerError(e);
812       }
813       return groups;
814    }
816    /*
817     * (non-Javadoc)
818     * 
819     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.IFoodDatasource#isSearchable()
820     */
821    public boolean isSearchable() {
822       return true;
823    }
825    /*
826     * (non-Javadoc)
827     * 
828     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.IFoodDatasource#isAvailable()
829     */
830    public boolean isAvailable() {
831       boolean ret = true;
832       try {
833          if (allowLocal) {
834             conn.createStatement().execute("SELECT * FROM Measure");
835          }
836          if (!conn.createStatement().execute("SELECT * FROM Food")) { 
837             ret = false;
838          }
839       } catch (SQLException e) {
840          ret = false;
841       }
842       return ret;
843    }
845    /*
846     * (non-Javadoc)
847     * 
848     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.IFoodDatasource#isListable()
849     */
850    public boolean isListable() {
851       return true;
852    }
854    /* (non-Javadoc)
855     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.AbstractMutableFoodDatasource#doCreateNewFood()
856     */
857    protected Food doCreateNewFood() {
858       checkReadWrite();
859       return internalCreateFood();
860    }
862    private Food internalCreateFood() {
863       return new SQLFoodImpl(this);
864    }
866    /* (non-Javadoc)
867     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.IFoodDatasource#close()
868     */
869    public void close() {
870       try {
871          if (!conn.isClosed()) {
872             if (conn.getMetaData().getURL().startsWith("jdbc:hsqldb:file") ||
873                   conn.getMetaData().getURL().startsWith("jdbc:hsqldb:mem")) {
874                conn.createStatement().execute("SHUTDOWN");
875      "[" + getId() + "] - Shutdown called");
876             }
877             conn.close();
878   "[" + getId() + "] - closed");
879          }
880       } catch (SQLException e) {
881          logger.error("[" + getId() + "] - close()", e);
882          registerError(e);
883       }
884    }
886    /* (non-Javadoc)
887     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.IFoodDatasource#initialize()
888     */
889    public void initialize() {
890       /* Retrieve a resource stream matching the datasource ID from the /sql/{resource}
891        * classpath.  Read each line one by one, executing them.  If any error occurs
892        * during this process, throw an IllegalStateException.  If, upon successful
893        * execution of these statements, isAvailable is false, throw an IllegalStateException
894        * 
895        * In the SQL, ignore ALL lines that begin with "--"
896        */
897       if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
898"Initializing " + getId() + ".");
899       }
900       try {
901          InputStream resource = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/sql/" + getId() + ".sql");
902          if (null == resource) {
903             throw new FileNotFoundException("/sql/" + getId() + ".sql");
904          }
905          BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(resource));
906          String line = null;
907          try {
908             Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
909             line = br.readLine();
910             while (line != null) {
911                line = line.trim();
912                if (line.length() > 0) { // If it's not an empty line
913                   if (!line.startsWith("--")) { // if it's not a comment
914                      stmt.execute(line);
915                   }
916                }
917                line = br.readLine();
918             }
919          } catch (SQLException e) {
920             throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to execute '" + line + "'", e);
921          }
922       } catch (IOException e) {
923          throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to retrieve resource for initializing " + this.getName(), e);
924       }
925       if (!isAvailable()) {
926          throw new IllegalStateException("Successful initialization, but " + getName() + " is uninitialized.");
927       }
928    }
930    /* (non-Javadoc)
931     * @see ca.spaz.cron.datasource.AbstractMutableFoodDatasource#doAddFoodGroup(ca.spaz.cron.database.FoodGroup)
932     */
933    protected void doAddFoodGroup(FoodGroup foodGroup) {
934       checkReadWrite();
935       try {
936          SQLSelect sel = new SQLSelect("FoodGroup");
937          sel.addWhere("fg_name", foodGroup.getFoodGroupName());
938          ResultSet res = sel.executeQuery(conn);
939          if ( {
940             // Already exists
941             return;
942          }
943       } catch (SQLException e) {
944          logger.error("doAddFoodGroup(FoodGroup) - Unable to verify food group", e);
945       }
946       SQLInsert ins = new SQLInsert("FoodGroup");
947       ins.getColumns().add("fg_name", foodGroup.getFoodGroupName());
948       try {
949          ins.execute(conn);
950       } catch (SQLException e) {
951          logger.error("doAddFoodGroup(FoodGroup) - unable to add food group", e);
952       }
953    }
955    /***
956     * Set the <code>id</code> in the <code>SQLDatasource</code>.
957     * @param id The id to set.
958     */
959    public void setId(String id) {
960 = id;
961    }
963    /***
964     * Retrieve the <code>id</code> from the <code>SQLDatasource</code>.  This will be 
965     * unique between all SQL data source instances.
966     * 
967     * @return Returns the id.
968     */
969    public String getId() {
970       return id;
971    }
973    protected Food findFoodBySourceUID(String sourceUID) {
974       SQLSelect sel = new SQLSelect("Food");
975       sel.addWhere("SourceUID", sourceUID);
976       sel.addSelection("ID");
977       ResultSet res;
978       Food ret = null;
979       try {
980          res = sel.executeQuery(conn);
981          if (! {
982             ret = null;
983          } else {
984             int fid = res.getInt("ID");
985             ret = getFoodByID(fid);
986          }
987       } catch (SQLException e) {
988          // TODO Auto-generated catch block
989          e.printStackTrace();
990       }
991       return ret;
992    }
994    public boolean containsFood(Food food) {
995       SQLSelect sel = new SQLSelect("Food");
996       sel.addWhere("SourceUID", food.getSourceUID());
997       boolean return_value = false;
998       try {
999          ResultSet res = sel.executeQuery(conn);
1000          return_value =;
1001          res.close();
1002       } catch (SQLException e) {
1003          logger.error("containsFood(Food)", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
1004       }
1005       return return_value;
1006    }
1008 }